Lake Crest Village is proud to announce the return of our community outreach program, Shopping to Educate, for the 2018-2019 school year. The program awards up to 20 local Sacramento area schools with prizes ranging from $150-$2,000!
Shopping to Educate works by awarding participating schools points for every dollar spent at Lake Crest Village and Loehmann’s Plaza from August 1st, 2018 through May 21st, 2019. Parents, friends and students simply credit their receipts to participating schools by dropping them off at selected stores at Lake Crest Village and/or Loehmann’s Plaza or submitting receipts online at www.marketingguru.com/receipts.
Additional points can be earned through means that do not require any spending, such as school spirit, and monthly bonus point options. These alternatives help to make the program beneficial for schools of all sizes. Lake Crest Village awards cash prizes at the end of the program based on total points earned throughout the school year.
For a full list of Lake Crest Village stores please visit:
For a full list of Loehmann’s Plaza stores please visit:
When: August 1st, 2018 – May 21st, 2019
Where: Lake Crest Village Shopping Center is located at
Florin Rd. & Greenhaven Dr. | Sacramento, CA 95831
For More Information:
Visit www.ShopLakeCrestVillage.com or www.MarketingGuru.com
Kirby McGee, Shopping to Educate Program Coordinator
(800) 762-1641 or (916) 235-9396